Get off of your knees! This phrase I yearn to firmly tell all those who willingly bow down to the elitists of our day.
I am tired of seeing people cave in to the leftists of our society. I'm sick of hearing of individuals making apologies for saying words that were "insensitive" and "might have offended" someone.
Do not apologize for highly esteeming marriage and firmly believing that it was, is and forever will be only for one man and one woman for life. This is marriage. Anything else is a perversion.
Do not apologize for believing that a man is a man and a woman is a woman. It's a sad indication of the absurdity of our times that one would even have to write such a statement. Prior to a few years ago, I'll bet no one in all of history would have ever believed anything otherwise. It is patently absurd to believe a man can be a woman and vice versa.
Do not apologize for rejecting notions of white privilege, rampant white supremacy and social justice. These are all lies from the leftists.
Do not apologize for declaring that abortion is the murder of a baby; it is. How anyone could deny this fact, again shows the absurdity of our times.
Do not apologize woman for wanting to be a wife, mother and homemaker above all career aspirations. This is a beautiful thing which should be encouraged more among women. Embrace your God given femininity.
Do not apologize Christian for standing firmly on the solid ground of Scripture and proclaiming to the world what God says the world is.
To everyone who is afraid to speak out contrary to the prevailing leftist dogma of the day, I say to you speak up! Do not bow down to the leftists. Do not bow down to the ungodliness plaguing our land. Our LORD wins in the end so what do you fear?
Get off your knees!